
Eventspedia Jobs FAQ

Looking for a job in the events industry? Check out our frequently asked questions about the Eventspedia Jobs Portal to learn how we can help you find the right fit.

Looking for a job in the events industry? Check out our frequently asked questions about the Eventspedia Jobs Portal. We can help you find the perfect match!

Frequently Asked Questions

We help employers and candidates find the right fit

Eventspedia Jobs is a powerful network of events, wedding and exhibition planning companies and service providers. By connecting with companies via social media, Telegram channels and emailers, Eventspedia Jobs gives you the ability to find the perfect event planning solution for your needs.

Click on the "sign in" button, then look for the "create account" option. Click "I am a company" and enter your sign-in details. Hurray! You've created your company page.

Click on the "sign in" button, then look for the "create account" option. Click "I am a candidate" and enter your sign-in details. Hurray! You've created your company page.

Posting a job on Eventspedia is free for candidates and companies.

Absolutely! Check out our guide to writing great job descriptions. And for some extra guidance, take a look at some of our sample job descriptions.

Our simple job posting form should only take a few minutes to complete. You’ll need to include your job’s title, location, description, and the email address where you want to have applications sent.

Your job posting will be live within an hour of posting, and you will start to receive resumes from applicants as soon as we get them.

No! The sky’s the limit for the duration of your posting.

Your job posting will be seen by hundreds of people on Eventspedia Jobs, local news sites, Our Social Media, and the Eventspedia network.